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Frequently asked Questions


Q1: What is the PREACH study?

The PREACH (Prioritising Research through Engagement with older Adult Care Homes) study aims to identify research priorities for older adult care homes by engaging with various stakeholders including residents, staff, relatives, policymakers, and researchers. The study utilizes a mixed-methods approach including an online survey, in-person discussions with residents, and analysis of existing research data.


Q2: What is VICHTA and how is it used in the PREACH study?

VICHTA (Virtual International Care Homes Trials Archive) is a repository of pooled data from randomized controlled trials conducted exclusively in older adult care homes in the UK. The PREACH study uses VICHTA to assess the feasibility of addressing identified research priorities using existing data. This allows for efficient utilization of resources and potentially faster generation of findings.


Q3: How does the PREACH study gather research priorities from stakeholders?

The PREACH study gathers research priorities through multiple channels:

  • Online survey: Open to all stakeholder groups.

  • In-person group discussions: Conducted with care home residents, facilitated by activity coordinators.

  • Suggestion cards: Completed by care home residents during group discussions.

  • Analysis of existing research studies: Examining existing literature to identify recurring themes and unanswered questions.


Q4: How will the PREACH study analyse the collected research priorities?

The PREACH study will employ thematic analysis to process the raw data from stakeholders. This involves:

  • Organizing and categorizing: Grouping similar suggestions and eliminating duplicates.

  • Coding: Developing a framework to classify the identified themes and subthemes.

  • Identifying patterns: Analysing the frequency and distribution of themes across stakeholder groups.

The analysis will focus on understanding the prevalence and origin of each topic, eliminating the need for a second-stage prioritization survey.


Q5: How will the PREACH study ensure the identified research priorities are actionable?

The PREACH study focuses on generating “oven-ready” research questions that can be immediately addressed. This is achieved by mapping the identified priorities against:

  • Existing evidence: Determining if the question has been adequately addressed in previous research.

  • Available data: Assessing whether VICHTA or other existing data sources can be used to answer the question.

  • Feasibility of primary data collection: If existing data is insufficient, evaluating the practicality of conducting new research to answer the question.


Q6: What are the expected outcomes of the PREACH study?

The PREACH study will produce a comprehensive list of research priorities for older adult care homes, categorized by theme and stakeholder group. This list will be disseminated widely through various channels including the project website, our funders (NIHR EEPRU), NIHR ARC, and academic publications.

The findings aim to inform future research agendas and funding applications, ultimately leading to improved care and outcomes for older adults residing in care homes.


Q7: How can I get involved in the PREACH study?

If you are interested in participating in the PREACH study, you can:


Q8. How is consent handled for the resident activities?

Individual consent from residents is not collected, but manager consent is required for the activity to take place in the care home.  Manager consent will be collected using AdobeSign e-consent, sent via email from the study team. Residents will be informed about the PREACH study verbally by the activity coordinator and through an information leaflet. Participation in the activity is voluntary, and only residents with the capacity to understand and make informed decisions are asked to participate. The project will not track which residents agree or decline to participate.


Q9. Are there any incentives to care homes in taking part?

Activity staff who facilitate the resident discussions will enter a prize draw (1-in-4 chance) to receive a £50 shopping voucher if they return the completed suggestion cards. All participating care homes will receive a certificate of engagement.


Q10. How long will the recruitment go on for?

We will continue to recruit care homes until May 2025.  The project finishes in July 2025.


Q11. What is the role of the care home activity staff in the PREACH study?

Activity staff play a key role in the PREACH study by supporting discussions with residents. They help by:

  • Explaining the study to residents and sharing information leaflets.

  • Checking residents’ capacity to understand and participate.

  • Facilitating group or one-on-one discussions based on preferences.

  • Using activity packs to guide conversations about research priorities.

  • Collecting residents’ suggestions on answer cards and returning them to the research team.

Care homes without dedicated activity staff are also welcome to take part.


Q12. What materials are included in the activity packs for participating care homes?

The activity packs distributed to care homes will include:

  • Care home manager information sheet

  • Activity pack with instructions and suggested activities

  • Glossy A4 posters advertising the online survey

  • Information leaflets for the general public

  • Information leaflets for residents

  • Lilac A5 suggestion cards for residents to write their ideas

  • A large business reply envelope for returning the suggestion cards and feedback forms

  • A prize draw entry form

The packs are designed for a care home with approximately 50 residents. Additional printed materials can be requested if needed, or downloaded from the project website


Q13 Are the resident activities limited to care homes?

Yes. Due to ethical approval constraints, the resident activities in the PREACH study are only conducted in nursing and residential care homes. However, we welcome input from everyone, including those involved in domiciliary care or assisted-living centres, through our online survey.

Prioritising Research through Engagement with older Adult Care Homes (the PREACH project)

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